1. Go to the top of your browser and click on Tools and select Internet Options.
2. Click on the Security tab
3. Click on the Internet (Globe Icon)
3. Click on the Custom Level button at the bottom
4. In that top box, scroll down to the Miscellaneous section (look for the Internet Explorer icons next to the topics) and find where it says "Display Mixed Content"
5. Click the Enable bubble to select that option:
Disable - you will not see the message anymore, nor will the nonsecure items be displayed
Enable - you will not receive the message anymore, and the nonsecure items will be displayed on the page
Prompt - you will receive the message everytime a website has both secure and nonsecure items on it (this is the current setting in the browser that causes you to receive the message every time).
6. Once you have selected Enable, click on the OK button to close that window, and then click OK again to close the other window.
7. You may need to close your browser and then reopen it to see the changes take effect
You may need to update your Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can do so